
An Open Letter From David Cross to Larry the Cable Guy

With a name like that, it's gotta be good. Thanks to the constantly entertaining and always updated Backwards City blog for turning me on to this. Here's a sample of David Cross's Open Letter to Larry the Cable Guy:

...let me say this: you are very mistaken if you think that I don't know your audience...I cut my teeth in the south and my first road gigs ever were in Augusta, Charleston, Baton Rouge, and Louisville. I remember them very well, specifically because of the audience. I remember thinking (occasionally, not all the time) "what a bunch of dumb redneck, easily entertained, ignorant motherfuckers. I can't believe the stupid shit they think is funny."
Check it out here.


Joe said...

Someone needed to vocalize those thoughts; I'm glad David Cross picked up the gauntlet. Or did he throw down the gauntlet? Can someone explain to me how exactly the gauntlet works?

kylos said...
