I Wonder What Kind of Message I'm Sending to the Troops
What would the troops think about our yard? And I don't mean just about our flag. When I don't bag our leaves, am I basically saying, "To heck with you, troops"?
Are the troops aware of all the remodeling I've been doing in the basement rec room? If so, what message are they getting from that?
I read in the paper that a lot of the troops are complaining about the war, and want to come home. They're putting their lives on the line. It's my duty to support them, but I get confused. What message am I sending the troops if I read articles like that? For that matter, what kind of a message are those troops sending themselves? They are the troops, but it almost sounds like they're not supporting the troops!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean that last statement to sound anti-troops.
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