
Nobody Puts Swayze in a Corner, and Diesel vs. Safran Foer

Well, that was an old-fashioned ass kicking. Mullet flowing, pants tight, eyes scrunched up and vacant, expert in not only dance but several forms of martial art, bar fighting, cross dressing, truck driving, and communist repelling, Patrick Swayze just wiped the floor with (Barrelhouse number one contributor) Steve Almond.

In retrospect, that may not have been a very fair matchup. Swayze has been much celebrated on this blog, on our site, and in the pages of Barrelhouse. Oh, and he's also made a bunch of shitty yet fabulous movies, and even a few good ones (some day we'll share the Secret of the Patrick Swayze Personality Test in a more public venue, but not today).

Well, Steve Almond. We love you, with all the sex and the candy and the funny. You even gave us an essay, although nobody had ever heard of us, and for that we'll always be grateful. It's not you. It's us. Unfair matchup. Our bad.

And today's matchup should be fascinating: Vin Diesel vs. Jonathan Safran Foer.

I think that statement speaks for itself: Vin Diesel vs. Jonathan Safran Foer.

Democracy in action. Every vote counts.


Mike Ingram said...

Man, I really don't know who to vote for here. This is like if Dick Cheney ran for president against Terrell Owens.

Anonymous said...

Breast Cancer ribbon
Common Breast Cancer Myths

The first myth pertaining to this disease is that it only affects women.

Second myth that is associated with this disease is that if one has found a lump during an examination, it is cancer.

Third is that it is solely hereditary

The next myth associated with breast cancer is downright ridiculous. Would you believe, that in this day and age, some individuals still think that breast cancer is contagious?

Conversely, some individuals foolishly believe that breast size determines whether or not one gets cancer.

Finally, another myth that is associated with this disease is that it only affects older people. This is not so. Although the chance of getting breast cancer increases with age, women as young as 18 have been diagnosed with the disease.

You can find a number of helpful informative articles on Breast Cancer ribbon at breast-cancer1.com

Breast Cancer ribbon