
Thank God Reality Is Picking Up the Slack

Have you noticed that, with the Writer's Strike dragging on and TV shows dropping out right and left (except of course, for the indefagitbable Terminators of the Sarah Connor Files), that Reality itself is elevating its game, superseding even Reality TV? It's like Reality is P.O.'ed that Reality TV is more like "real" TV than like Reality. To wit:

Tom Cruise's completely insane Scientology videos

Britney Spears ever-ongoing public meltdowns

Babymaking--Alba, Pamela Lee, McConnaughey, Spade, and others.

Politics--a good way through the primaries and we still don't have a frontrunner on either side.

The Patriots historic undefeated so-far season (much as I hate to admit it).

Even Sean Penn's pending divorce with Princess Buttercup over a newer, younger Princess Buttercup, and Eddie Murphy's non-marriage to Tracy Edmonds makes this list.

Maybe that's why Paradise Hotel is--finally--coming back! (old news, but I did see a preview for it while watching football this past weekend)

1 comment:

ryan call said...

i miss the tom cruise from top gun