
The KGB Files

The Barrelhouse rolled into the KGB Bar in NYC last Friday night with a mean crew of readers and they meant business.

Greg Ames left his buddy Ed Asner home to soak in the tub but got things started with a college romance called “Juliet.” The moral of the story: for one quarter of football sometime in the 90’s the Buffalo Bills were gods.

Paul Hostovsky came up next with poems about family, sex, and library science. A natural combination.

Joe Oestreich closed up the first half of the reading with his essay “This Essay Doesn’t Rock,” winner of the first Barrelhouse Invitational Pop Culture Essay Contest, featuring Dick Cheney, Ted Haggard, Keith Richards, and a little fucker named Hunter who is way cooler than we’ll ever be.

After the break, Wendy Wimmer read “Billets Duex.” I thought I saw iPod guy standing in the back. It was dark so it was tough to be sure.

The night closed with a preview of Issue 4 when Jennifer L. Knox read from her forthcoming work and a select few from her first book, A Gringo Like Me.

Sorry if you missed it Internet readers, it was a blast.

And for those of you who did make it out, stay classy New York. See you soon.

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